Driving requires lots of focus and your full attention. Distracted driving affects all drivers from time to time and can come with stiff consequences. Unfocused driving does not affect all drivers the same. Some take more risks and pay less attention to road increasing their risk for disaster. Fully understanding what is at stake and how small distractions can affect your ability to drive could prevent a serious accident. Find out the top 5 factors of distracted driving. After an accident, your rates will surely rise. And if you need to shop around, get auto insurance online quotes from our website.
Talking to a cellphone. Texting impairs your visual, physical, and cognitive abilities simultaneously, which makes it one of the deadliest distractions. According to the American Automobile Association, if a text takes your eyes off the road for just two seconds, your risk of crashing doubles.
- Outside person, object or event.The next biggest distractor is where the driver is paying more attention to something outside of the car than to the road. Frequently referred to as “rubbernecking”, even a quick gaze at something you drive by can cause you to miss the car stopping in front of you.
- Other occupants. A common occurrence leading to an accident is when the driver is looking at or talking to a passenger in the vehicle. According to data released by insurers, this happens about 5% of the time in distracted driving fatal car accidents. Unfortunately, this is one of the hardest distractions to control because of the frequency with which people transport passengers.
- Eating or drinking. Eating or drinking is one of the more obvious causes of distracted driving and one of the most easily controlled. Insurers found that it accounted for about 2% of their data.
- Grooming behind the wheel is another common habit among drivers with busy schedules. You might get away with brushing your hair or putting on makeup most of the time, but all it takes is a moment’s inattention to cause a deadly accident.
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by Ciprian Gurgu