Purchasing car insurance online is becoming more popular, although it still has not out ruled out insurance agents. If you are considering taking a leap into online insurance land, learn exactly what the pros and cons are when compared with the traditional route of an insurance agent. There are several cons of using auto insurance online quotes and we will explain them.
Insurance agents can be more reliable than websites. Never underestimate the importance of speaking with a live person when it comes to your car insurance. Questions pop up, websites malfunction, and a real person is needed from time to time to verify the accuracy of your policy. Dealing with a robot can be frustrating sometimes. Some people also prefer the familiar voice of a human. Plus, in time you can create a fruitful professional relationship with your agent, which is a thing automatic machines are not capable of.
- You must be an insurance expert. Without an agent, you will have to research answers to your insurance questions. Another option would be to call the online insurance company’s 800 number. Online insurance companies have agents answering your questions but you do not have an assigned agent so you’ll probably speak with a different person each time you call. A personal insurance agent’s expertise can save a lot of time. If you do not have sufficient time to inform yourself about all insurance terms, maybe you should let experts inform you.
- You must be a bit tech savvy. It takes quite a bit of effort to fill in all the information required for a car insurance quote online. If you are not comfortable on the computer, do not even think about buying insurance online. Let an agent do the work for you.
Check our webpage for more info and free quotes. Visit us!
by Ciprian Gurgu