Check the next list with factors that make you pay more for auto insurance. Also get auto insurance online quote from our website!
Gender and Age. Young men usually pay higher rates than young women as statistically more male teenagers have accidents than female teenagers. But older men generally have better rates than older women. Studies suggest that older women are in more minor accidents than older men but the difference in premium costs usually isn’t high.
- Marital Status. Statistically, married people tend to have fewer accidents than single people; therefore, getting married (especially for men) can significantly lower your rate. The decrease depends on your previous driving history – if you are a man who has never been in an accident and has a clean driving record, you could see your rates nearly halved.
- Where You Live. Most of traffic accidents occur close to home, so the area you live in greatly influences the premium. More densely populated neighborhoods with more cars mean you are at a higher risk of accidents, theft, and collisions with injuries. Also, the local economy influences the rates. A high unemployment rate means more uninsured drivers, making insurance costs higher for those who want to get coverage.
- Credit Score. There is no specific point at which your credit score begins to make your rate more expensive, but in general, lower scores mean higher insurance premiums.
- Profession. Auto insurance companies may also make correlations between a person’s risk of accident and their profession, and they can adjust your premium accordingly if they think you’re more likely to get in an accident. Check the lists with high-risk jobs, according to insurance companies.
- Safety Rating. Owning a car with a lower safety rating, will usually result in a higher car insurance cost.
- Driving History. If you have been in accidents, received any tickets, or made previousauto insurance claims, the insurance company has learned that you’re more likely to make another claim and will ask for higher premiums.
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by Ciprian Gurgu