Check our list with things you need to know about your car when buying car insurance. Read our blog and get free car insurance quotes.
Accident Statistics. The number of accidents and accidents’ frequency will be decisive in determining how much you will have to pay on car insurance. All companies regularly check statistics and update their databases with latest results. If a car has been involved in too many accidents lately, there are many chances you will have to pay more on car insurance.
- Safety Rating. This is another important factor used by the companies to determine the risk profile of any customer. If the car has received the highest rates from prestigious organizations, the chances of having better rates are increased. If you want to buy a car, you should pick from the Top Safety Plus models from each category. Besides making rates more affordable, you will increase your survivability chances if an accident should occur.
- If the car is targeted by thieves. Before signing in for car insurance, you should check if your car if on the favorite list of thieves. There are many chances that the insurance company will do the background check either before signing the deal or after that. If it is on the list, we recommend you to increase security by either parking it in a safe spot, preferable a garage, or by installing tracking devices and modern alarms.
- If the car model was recently recalled by the manufacturers. Having your car model recalled is really a bad sign. It usually means that there are troubles with various systems. And insurance companies are always watching the latest auto industry news. If your car was recently recalled find out why and make sure the problem was solved before signing for any policy. Also, bring proofs that the problem was fixed.
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by Ciprian Gurgu