There are numerous websites that provide auto insurance quotes online, but you must strive to obtain accurate quotes, which are really useful. If you want to know more, you should really read our blog and then apply the gained knowledge. Read some tips for getting accurate auto insurance quotes.
Before you start comparing prices online, make sure to have the following info available
Driver’s license numbers
- Vehicle identification number for each car
- Copy of the declaration page from your current policy (if you have one)
- Driving distance to work
- Any driving violations or insurance claims you’ve had in the past five years
Then follow our tips:
- Diversify the sources of quotes. Working with one website is good, but not good enough. In order to make sure that you got accurate quotes, you should verify the results using another website or more websites. Typically, use 2 brokerage websites that provide quotes for the same companies. For example, you can use 2 websites that provide quotes from Geico or for Progressive. If the questions were the same, or at least almost all questions, than results should be similar or not that different. If there are huge differences, something is wrong and you should dig deeper and maybe use another website.
- Provide accurate details and estimates. When filling the form, make sure to provide accurate data about your car and yourself. In some cases, you will have to estimate some things, like the annual mileage. Try to give your best estimate; otherwise quotes will be far from accurate.
- Make sure to use a complex form. It is always better to work with forms that ask you as many questions as possible. They are more relevant and provide results closer to the final value obtained during negotiations. So, it would be much better to fill in a form with 20-30 questions than a form with 10 questions. It may take more time, but it will worth it.
Visit our webpage for more info about auto insurance and free quotes. Read more!
by Ciprian Gurgu