If you own a motor vehicle, then you know that you need to buy auto insurance. Being mandated by law in most states, a minimum amount of coverage needs to be purchased by all car owners. But it bears mentioning the fact that the auto insurance market offers numerous selections to consumers, which in turn might feel a bit confused when having to buy a policy. Check our top 5 most useful auto insurance policies.
Liability auto insurance represents the minimum coverage you must buy across the country and meet state requirements. This policy covers the expenses associated with accidental bodily injury as well as property damage to other drivers and their vehicles if you are responsible for causing an accident. Keep in mind that it will not cover your expenses or those of your passengers.
- Collision auto insurance will pay for the damages to your car if you collide with another car or stationary object. It is a no-fault policy and the insured will cash in the money, no matter who caused the accident.
- Comprehensive coverage will pay for damage caused by factors other than traffic collisions, such as extreme weather phenomena, earthquakes, animal attacks, vandalism or theft.
- Personal Injury Protection, or PIP, is compulsory in many states, and as its name suggests, it will only cover medical expenses for the policyholder. Medical expenses coverage will pay for drivers who do not have personal health care protection, covering medical costs associated with auto accidents regardless of who is at fault.
- Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage will pay for damages caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver, in case you are involved in an accident in which such a driver is at fault. It will help you pay medical bills and repair costs.
Check our webpage for more details and free quotes. Check out website!
by Ciprian Gurgu