Renewing car insurance is something that should come as the natural thing to do for any responsible driver. Without any form of insurance, you will be heavily penalized by either authorities, when caught driving without insurance or by insurance companies, when you finally decide to get some coverage. Find out more about why you should renew car insurance and get cheap auto insurance!
Your insurer treats you right. If the current provider has a good customer service that is always responding to your needs, then you should keep it. Finding a helpful company nowadays is a struggle, because most companies just try to get your money and offer little in return. Furthermore, if your insurer does not try to rip you off upon renewal, keep it! Some insurers try to ramp up premiums days before renewal. This is because people are under pressure and do not have time to shop around in order to avoid the much dread gaps.
- Your insurer is willing to negotiate for better rates. For example, if you want to renew the policy, but meanwhile, you installed extra safety measures, graduated defensive driving course, got married or expunged some minor traffic violations, you should talk with the insurer and check if he is willing to reduce the cost of premiums and reward you. Changing you classification from “high-risk driver” to a standard one should come with a generous price discount.
- Your insurer is willing to offer a good loyalty discount. Another good reason to stick with the same insurer is the loyalty bonus. Not all companies, but most of them, offer generous discounts for customers who have been with them for several years. Typically, after three or five years, you should ask for this discount. Only if the provider is not willing to grant it, you should consider switching the carrier.
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by Ciprian Gurgu